New Unique Spirit & Liqueur made from the flowers of the Mahua Tree
Alkohl Ltd is proud to present, not only a new spirit and liqueur to the world, but one that is very unique and created according to traditional methods. Made from the flowers of the Mahua Tree [ mah-hwah \ ˈmä(h)wə \ or mohwa \ ˈmō(w)ə ], which are indigenous to India, this is thought to be the world’s only spirit made from a flower. We are naturally very excited to finally be able to bring this silky smooth spirit and liqueur to your table.
Both products have been 'Certified' by The Vegan Society
The Spirit of Life
Mahua Spirit
The fabulous Mahua Spirit engages with its soft floral smell, and thrills with a very unique silky-smooth taste. This spirit honestly tastes like no other on the market, offering hints of sweetness from the nectar-rich Mahua flowers and a delightful warming of the throat as its slips down. We have discovered those who enjoy Single Malt Whisky really love this
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Mahua Liqueur
The Mahua Liqueur, on the other hand, is quite something else. If I were to sum it up in one word, it would be 'Christmas'. It is extraordinarily easy to consume and there is no greater pleasure in life than sitting in the sunshine, imbibing this tipple on ice. The addition of Agave Syrup to this liqueur, changes the complexity of the spirit to make it sublime.
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